What is a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?

A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is a statement of coverage issued by the company that insures your business. A COI provides a summary of your business coverage and serves as verification that your business is indeed insured. Potential clients may request a COI as a condition of doing business with you, and you may want one for your own records.


If you need COIs from us, you can request or download them directly from your Vouch Account.

1. Select Certificate of Insurance under the Insurance tab

2. If you need a record of insurance, select Proof of Insurance

3. If you need to submit proof of insurance to a third-party or add them to your coverage, select Add Third-Party

You will receive your requested COIs within 1-2 business days. For any additional COI-related questions, feel free to email us at COIs@vouch.us.

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